New dei power transistor
New dei power transistor

As the history of this invention and of its consequences is much more involved and interesting, it is imperative that the leading EDS Luminaries share the scientific & technological developments which took place in the last 75 years, with the current generation of researchers. The Electron Devices Society has decided to celebrate the year 2022-2023 as the 75th Anniversary of the Transistor. All three received The Nobel Prize in Physics (1956) and as per Nobel Prize Committee - "In 1947 John Bardeen and Walter Brattain produced a semiconductor amplifier, which was further developed by William Shockley. A week after that, the device was officially demonstrated to Bell Labs executives as a “magnificent Christmas present." In January 1948, William Shockley demonstrated the junction transistor. The invention was made on December 16, 1947. The famous physicists - Walter Brattain and John Bardeen managed to make the first working transistor, now known as the point-contact transistor. This was done by three brilliant scientists who were members of the Mervin Kelly’s Solid State Physics Group and Semiconductor Sub-Group at Bell Labs, which were given the challenging task of creating a solid-state semiconductor switch that could replace the vacuum tube. Similarly, November 1947 – January 1948 were the three magical months that paved the way for modern-day electronics. The year 1905 is well known as the “Miracle Year” because Albert Einstein published four papers that changed the laws of physics and were significant contributions to the foundation of modern physics. Quantum Technologies Technical Committee.Flexible Electronics and Displays Committee.Compound Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Committee.Transactions on Materials for Electron Devices.Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits.Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing.Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability.

new dei power transistor

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new dei power transistor

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    New dei power transistor